Struggling To Get Orders On Your Website?

Learn from my mistakes . . . Your website alone won’t get you orders!

Carli Brockway, Founder Peak Private Label

Here’s the story of when we first launched our company:
We had seen all of the other private label websites and we were confident we could do a better job. We believe that this advanced website would give us a competitive edge over our competitors. Months of work later, our website was ready to go. It was intuitive, it had our taglines and branding, it gave our customers a way to build their own products from the ground up. It was fully built from start to finish by us, and was undeniably better than our competitors. This website would have the orders rolling in, right? Wrong.
Weeks after our big launch, our website had no visitors.

After this “failure”, we luckily quickly learned that the mere existence of a website doesn't drive traffic. a website is where you drive traffic to.
A website isn't a sales strategy, it's where orders are processed after a client has gone through your sales strategy.
After that embarrassing lesson, we shifted focus and actually came up with a sales strategy. We ran ad campaigns - which is an actual sales strategy - and started to see the customers pour in. 4 years later we've grown exponentially to a successful company. We’ve gotten to work with over 300 small businesses, and have sold over 20,000 products.
Looking back on our analytics, we ultimately did not gain a single new customer from our website, and to this day we still haven’t. With over 20,000 products sold, guess how many of these orders came from someone stumbling across our website? ZERO.
We got our customers from our successful marketing & advertising campaigns, and by actively selling our services. As you are an esthetician, your sales strategy will look a bit different (you have a built in market, sell to your customers!), but the universal truth remains - websites don't bring in more sales on their own.
So how should you be selling your products if it isn't by making a website?

1. In Person

This should be your #1 strategy. You have a unique, competitive edge over every single other skincare brand when your client visits your business in person. Your clients come to see you for your professional skincare services, and they already trust your expertise. As you know what your clients struggle with and are looking to fix, you're able to give them the best skincare routine recommendations - which makes sales even easier!
The opportunity to educate and demonstrate how your skincare products work in action is huge - use this to your advantage. This is a great chance to build your foundation of sales skills. Once you’ve mastered the art of selling to people who already know + trust you, then you’ll be well prepared to approach and convert new leads.

2. Social Media

Social media is a great opportunity to spread the word about your skincare line! Especially with existing clients. You can get those current clients curious and excited about your product line before they even come in for a service by talking about your products in reels, posts, etc… It also allows you to increase your audience and your potential market. Something easy you can start doing on social media is start posting & using reviews or client testimonials to influence potential buyers. (Pst: we have a full article on how to get more reviews - click here to read it)

3. To Other Skincare Businesses

As we discussed earlier, aesthetics clinics and spas have a huge advantage when it comes to selling skincare products. Which means they are the ideal place for you to expand your skincare line into as well. By supplying your products to a network of other professionals, you can leverage their established client bases, thereby increasing the reach of your products to the sort of people who will benefit most from them. Since you will have already been selling your products in person and online you’ll now have a library of reviews and testimonials that will make the job of showing other clinic/spa owners why they should carry your products, much easier. Many clinic owners are really keen to carry products from other local businesses, in fact I recently had a clinic owner who said she didn’t want to start selling her own face oils because she was already selling some from a local company and wanted to keep supporting them. Selling through professional locations is a tried and tested route to success for growing a skincare line, this is exactly why so many retail brands only sell through professional clinics.

These strategies are where the real sales and success comes from. So take it from us - don’t overfocus on your website + a website launch! You don’t need to have the best website out there to make sales, and it certainly won’t make sales on its own for you. Keep it simple, but make sure you follow the 3 steps outlined above for success!
Our mission is to help your business grow, and we are proud to provide the tools, strategies & resources through our professionals to make sure that you are successful. If you want to learn more about starting your skincare line you can start your online consultation below.

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Carli Brockway

Founder & Product Manager

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  • Recommendations For Products Your Clients Will Love
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