Sales Strategies of Our Most Successful Clients
What To Do & What NOT To Do
Carli Brockway, Founder Peak Private Label
One of the advantages of running a private label skincare company is that you get to observe hundreds of esthetic businesses and their sales strategies. I get to see patterns in what strategies propel our clients to record sales, and which strategies consistently fail. It always amazes me how simple some of the successful sales strategies are.
Based on this experience here are 4 easy do's and don'ts to sell more products.

Do Practice Talking About Your Products
Don't Think Changing Your Labels Will Increase Sales
Do Write Down Your Recommendations
Don't Think Products Will Sell Themselves
Do Practice Talking About Your Products
You need to be confident talking about your products with clients to be able to sell them. You will need to know who they are for, why they work, and how to use them. Your clients are coming to you for your knowledge and expertise in improving their skin, including how they should treat their skin in between visits. You will need to know this key information off the top of your head to be able to recommend products to clients and properly educate them.
Once you know the required information, practice saying it outloud! Confidence is key when it comes to sales so if you can't easily recall the points when practicing alone, you won't be able to confidently deliver them in front of clients.
For all the info you need on the products checkout our Product Trainings.
Don't Think Changing Your Labels Will Increase Sales
This is the #1 predictor of low (or no!) sales. We have seen clients get so obsessed with getting their labels perfect, that they actually stop ordering more inventory and miss out on thousands of dollars worth of sales while they change their labels. Remember that if you are properly introducing your clients to your products in your treatments, your client will not even see the label until after you have sold them on the product!
Almost all of our most successful clients have very simple labels, yet sell hundreds of products a month. Don't use up your already limited time on something that doesn't affect sales and instead focus on things that actually sell products, like integrating them into your treatments and practicing talking about their key features. The appropriate time to start focusing on label appearance is when you reach the milestone of selling more than 100 products a month and are looking to sell outside your own business.
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Do Write Down Your Recommendations
Your client is coming to you to address their skincare concerns, which is most effectively done with a combination of treatments and at home products. As you come to the end of an appointment, you've addressed what you can with the treatments, and now you need to recommend the most effective products to continue their results at home. Your client should already be aware of your products through your use of back bar in your treatments and your general education.
The next step is to write down the products and routine you recommend - like a doctor would write out a prescription - so that your client has a complete list of the products that will help them. Bring this paper and the recommended products with you to the checkout, they might not buy all of them, but this way they are far more likely to buy at least one. Uncertainty and confusion is the enemy of sales, and this strategy eliminates both.
Don't Think Products Will EVER Sell Themselves
This is one we hear over and over again; "I love the products, I just know that they'll sell themselves."
This is a huge mistake!
Your clients aren't going to go straight to your shelves looking for a new product they don't even know exists yet.
Your clients need to be told that the products are available, and they need to be educated on what the product will do for them (see "do" #1!), and why
it will get them the results they want. They aren't going to know how incredible the products are until you tell them.
If you let your products sit on the shelf without comment, your clients will think they aren't for them. You're the expert after all, so they
will feel if they should be using the products, you would have told them!
Need More Info?
If you're not sure to talk about your products or how to recommend them, that's okay!
It's a learning process and we are here to help.
I am happy to provide additional info and advice. Just email me at and together
we can make a plan that works for you and your clients.
Start Your Consultation
Carli Brockway
Founder & Product Manager
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This is a huge mistake!
Your clients aren't going to go straight to your shelves looking for a new product they don't even know exists yet.
Your clients need to be told that the products are available, and they need to be educated on what the product will do for them (see "do" #1!), and why
it will get them the results they want. They aren't going to know how incredible the products are until you tell them.
If you let your products sit on the shelf without comment, your clients will think they aren't for them. You're the expert after all, so they
will feel if they should be using the products, you would have told them!
Need More Info?
If you're not sure to talk about your products or how to recommend them, that's okay!
It's a learning process and we are here to help.
I am happy to provide additional info and advice. Just email me at and together
we can make a plan that works for you and your clients.
Start Your Consultation
Carli Brockway
Founder & Product Manager
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Your clients aren't going to go straight to your shelves looking for a new product they don't even know exists yet.
Your clients need to be told that the products are available, and they need to be educated on what the product will do for them (see "do" #1!), and why
it will get them the results they want. They aren't going to know how incredible the products are until you tell them.
If you let your products sit on the shelf without comment, your clients will think they aren't for them. You're the expert after all, so they
will feel if they should be using the products, you would have told them!
Need More Info?
If you're not sure to talk about your products or how to recommend them, that's okay!
It's a learning process and we are here to help.
I am happy to provide additional info and advice. Just email me at and together
we can make a plan that works for you and your clients.
Start Your Consultation
Carli Brockway
Founder & Product Manager
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If you let your products sit on the shelf without comment, your clients will think they aren't for them. You're the expert after all, so they
will feel if they should be using the products, you would have told them!
Need More Info?
If you're not sure to talk about your products or how to recommend them, that's okay!
It's a learning process and we are here to help.
I am happy to provide additional info and advice. Just email me at and together
we can make a plan that works for you and your clients.
Start Your Consultation
Carli Brockway
Founder & Product Manager
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Recommendations For Products Your Clients Will Love
A Cost Estimate To Start Your Line
A Discount Code To Order Samples
Answers To Any Questions You May Have
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Need More Info?
If you're not sure to talk about your products or how to recommend them, that's okay!
It's a learning process and we are here to help.
I am happy to provide additional info and advice. Just email me at and together
we can make a plan that works for you and your clients.
Start Your Consultation
Carli Brockway
Founder & Product Manager
Start Your Consultation And Get:
Recommendations For Products Your Clients Will Love
A Cost Estimate To Start Your Line
A Discount Code To Order Samples
Answers To Any Questions You May Have
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Carli Brockway
Founder & Product Manager
Start Your Consultation And Get:
Recommendations For Products Your Clients Will Love
A Cost Estimate To Start Your Line
A Discount Code To Order Samples
Answers To Any Questions You May Have